So what is a FitCation?


Have you ever felt that you need to earn the fun on your vacation? Perhaps you’ve spent months dieting and running hill sprints up Black Diamond Mine in the hope of feeling confident in your vacation attire. But then what? Odds are high that after a week or two of immoderation, you’ll return home feeling bloated, heavy, and frustrated that you undid all that hard work.

It doesn’t have to be that way! With a FitCation, you’ll actually do the work while you’re on vacation and reap the benefits when you return. Travelers are seeking transformational experiences that have a perceived payoff in normal life. Instead of spending 50 weeks a year working towards 2 weeks of feeling great, people want experiences that bring the good stuff to their daily grind.

What’s the difference between a FitCation and a retreat? In a retreat, the focus is on one area or activity. For example, a yoga retreat dives deep into your yoga practice. An exercise retreat centers on fitness and strength gains. In a FitCation, the focus is YOU. It’s about your relationship to your environment and how to navigate a normal pattern that includes movement, expanding your mind through physical exploration of the area, and stimulating your palate through regional cuisine.

So what IS a FitCation?

Visualize waking up to the exquisite blue of the Tyrrhenian Sea. After coffee and a light snack, you’ll do a movement class designed to complement the day’s activity. More vigorous days will begin with stretching and core work. Perhaps you’ll go for a panoramic hike on the Path of the Gods, or a kayaking tour of the coast. Or perhaps you’ll do a more rigorous morning class then spend the rest of the day lounging on a private boat tour of the grottos of Capri, or tasting and learning to prepare local specialties.

Infusing fitness with vacation creates a pattern of daily movement, high activity days alternated with more relaxing days. Your body and mind will be stimulated by the multi-sensory input from regular exercise, beautiful views, rich history, and delicious food. With guidance from an experienced trainer and coach, you’ll understand how these patterns have a place in your daily life. And then what? You return home accustomed to moving daily, feeling lighter and fitter, and being ready to integrate your vacation mindset into the real world. 

Insider TipsLisa Vonnegut