Surviving that endless winter feeling

Do the words “atmospheric river” fill you with despair? Are you frustrated that Winter came and stayed? Is Seasonal Affective Disorder making you S-A-D? Gloomy weather, floods, power outages, and downed trees…the struggle is real!  Follow these simple tips to improve your mood, increase your productivity and brighten your days until the sun does.

#1 When the sky is gray, eat color. 

Bright colors mean a variety of nutrients. Nutrient-dense = filling, satisfying. Root vegetables, hearty soups, and stews with multi-colored peppers and steamed or sautéed greens are warming and satiating during gloomy weather. Consider getting a produce box and integrating seasonal vegetables into your daily eating patterns to keep your diet fresh and appealing. 

#2 Set a goal

Motivation and willpower are urban legends. They sound like something easy, like, “You should just get some!” But the reality is that both are finite and fickle. Being distracted, tired, bored, busy, hungry, sad, anxious, etc., will quickly wear them down. HABIT CHANGE is the goal that sets you up for success. Pick a habit that is so small that you’d have to work to fail at it -- it’s a habit you can maintain even on the busiest days. Once it’s firmly into your routine, you can gradually build on it. Now that’s sustainable health!

#3 Plan a vacation

There are many reasons to plan a vacation now. Not only can you put a price watch on flights and hotels, but you can also really dig into your destination. Watch movies or read books set in the area where you’re traveling. Read blogs or follow social media sites that specialize in the area. All of this will build excitement and happiness, giving you something to dream about on rainy days.

#4 When the weather breaks, so should you

When it’s cold and rainy, and the skies are dark in the morning, it’s hard to rally yourself out for fresh morning air. But Research proves that sunlight, particularly early morning sunlight, boosts vitamin D production, stimulates your immune system, and facilitates hormonal changes associated with more serotonin during the day and melatonin at night. This is a powerful antidote to seasonal depression and can lead to a better mood, better sleep, and more energy. So take a break and get outside!

#5  LOOK UP!

Literally, look up! Get off your screens, open your eyes, and be present with your environment! Looking upwards as you walk will facilitate the extensors in your spine to help you stand straighter, breathe better, improve your digestion and increase your energy. Your lizard brain might take the cue that life isn’t so scary and alleviate some of the back pain/headache/gut issues, etc., that you’re feeling. Add some movement and high-quality food to rev up your metabolism, and by spring sticks, you will be ready to bloom!