5 reasons you should book your 2023 European vacation NOW!

Why should you plan your 2023 travel now? It's after the holidays, and most of us are practicing a bit of economic austerity for January.

While many of us need to replenish our bank accounts after the holidays, the reality is that with "buy now/pay later experiences," you can book your dream vacation right now with little to no drawback. 

five reasons you shouldn't wait to plan your 2023 travels:

You can set a price watch on flights.
A little planning can reap dividends in savings on your flight. Even during peak season, there are moments when the cost of flights dips. Setting a price watch on Google, Priceline, or directly with the airline means you can snap up a great deal. Also, by watching the ebb and flow, you get an idea of the price ranges to ensure you're not paying too much.

You know it's gonna happen.
Your life will adjust around your travel plans, and it's much less likely something unforeseen will derail your trip. Family and friends planning events where your presence is desirable will either plan around your availability or give you the perfect excuse to bow out.

Planning now can build excitement and inspire your New Year's goals.
There is a lot of energy in the new year to improve your health and fitness. What better motivation to stay on track than a European beach vacation? Besides, your nervous system likes it when you take action. Planning your vacation gives you something to look forward to on gloomy days. Your overall stress level throughout the year will feel more manageable.

The US Dollar is strong. 
The value of the US dollar can vary over time. It is almost even with the euro for the first time in years. Booking now, while the dollar is strong, can save you money. Even if you book a tour through an American company, you can reap the benefit of a stronger US dollar by looking at flights, hotel rooms pre and post-tour, and other sightseeing opportunities.

Share your excitement!   
Nobody likes a bragger. BUT having a vacation on the books can spread a lot of joy. It inspires others to make a plan for themselves. Coffee-break conversations will be more about travel planning and less about workplace gripes. Plus, if you want to travel with friends, it may cue someone you enjoy to join you for all or part of your journey. So you spread the vacation vibe and may end up with a desirable travel buddy. It's a win-win!

Don't let the January blues sap your energy. Take some action and give yourself the gift of a vacation. Plan now, travel later, and reap the benefits all year long.